Weekly Services
5 p.m. Sacred Space Program
Tuesday - Friday 5:00 p.m. Evening Prayer
Tuesday 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist (First order)
Friday 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
Over the last few years due to your generosity and care St Michael’s has been able to pack and donate more than 100 food hampers each year, to support families and individuals who need some help. We would like to thank you for your kindness and let you know that we are once again running our Christmas Food Hamper Drive over the month of November ready for the Christmas rush. If you would like to be involved, single or multiple donations of items from the list below are greatly appreciated. Donations can be given from now until 30 November. Simply place donations in the Green tub at the Church side door (18 Church Rd, Mitcham) Members of St Michael’s will compile the hampers and take the completed hampers to the Magdalene Centre for distribution throughout Adelaide If you would like more information please feel free to contact our parish. Thank you for your generosity and helping to bring the joy of Christmas to others. Fr David M: 0401 806 280
What is the greatest treasure of the Church? Ever wondered what a Asperge is or what you call that thing you swing and smoke comes of it? This is the opportunity to see and learn about the treasures of the church, what they are called and how they are used. Come along on Sunday 10 November, 5:00pm and discover what treasures we have.
Join us on Sunday 8 December at 7:00pm for our Annual Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols. It is a wonderful way prepare us for the celebration of Christmas as we hear about the journey of the people of God from creation to the Birth of Jesus, and sing some wonderful Carol. They join in the fellowship following the service. We look forward to you joining us.