About St Michael's
St Wilfrid's, Torrens Park

In 1924, the rector of St Michael’s, Archdeacon Clampett, set about planning for a new daughter church to be built in the rapidly developing suburbs of Torrens Park, Lower Mitcham and Clapham. At his request, the Bishop’s Home Mission Society (BHMS) purchased an allotment of land at the corner of Fife Avenue and Belair Road in the new Torrens Park Estate subdivision. By 1933 enough money had been raised to appoint Dean W. Berry as architect for the new church. The foundation stone was laid on 9th December and the first service in the Church of St Wilfrid at Torrens Park took place on 9th May 1934. In 1962 the building was extended by 12 feet (3.7m) to provide for a sanctuary elevated above the existing nave and a chancel, and two vestries.
With many misgivings, the last service in St Wilfrid’s was held on St Wilfrid’s Day in October 2003 and the building secularised on 22 February 2004. The property was sold and is now a private home.
Some items were brought up to St Michael’s, including the sanctuary lamp and a three-light stained glass window. This has been installed over the entrance doorway into the Parish Hall adjacent to mounted memorabilia and photographic displays of St Wilfrid’s. Several large cupboards formerly used for vestments and choir robes are also in the Parish Hall; and some of the Australian Oak pews have been recycled for various uses at St Michael’s and in St Peter’s Cathedral.