
Words of Welcome from the Priest

The Parish of Mitcham looks to be a progressive Anglican parish that is firmly grounded in living out the Gospel.

As a parish, we try to continually move forward, ensuring that we hear and reflect upon the scriptures; through quality preaching, morning and evening prayer, and by exploring the scriptures more deeply through Bible studies and different forms of worship.

As we gather in a community of faith, we are joined as one in the Body of Christ. At the heart of this is our Baptism and the celebration of Holy Eucharist. St Michael’s is dedicated to growing a sacramental understanding of the way in which we live and interact with the world. As we celebrate life, all the sacraments are offered at St Michael’s on a regular basis.

Christ calls us to follow him, to live out a life in action. St Michael’s is dedicated to the mission work of the church locally and in the wider community. Through our activities and hospitality, we are faithful in ensuring that the ‘word’ is heard and the hospitality of Christ is shared.

Fr David Covington-Groth